Review of ‘Property Scout Pipeline’ by Dolmar Cross
The following is my personal review of the Property Scout Pipeline for you, to hand you “in a nutshell” what it’s all about, who it’s ideally suited for, and my favorite things about it. Let me ask you… Need Deals? I know, dumb…

Review of ‘Abandoned House Secrets’ by Sean Flanagan
The following is my personal review of the Abandoned House Secrets landscape for you, to give you an idea of what it’s all about, who it’s ideally suited for, my favorite things about it, and more. Here’s something we can all relate to:…

Review of ‘1 Minute Leads’ Software by Patrick Riddle
Then I say that leads are the very lifeblood of our wholesale real estate operation, it’s no exaggeration. Distressed property leads (i.e. deals) Cash buyer leads (to buy our deals) Co-wholesaler leads (to do JV deals with) Without these…

Easiest Way to Get ‘Boots on the Ground’ for a Remote Deal
So question: What do you do when you need someone to be your eyes, ears and “boots on the ground” with a deal remotely? Ever been there? I sure have. Well whether you’re a “virtual investor” buying and selling in a whole different…

Video: How I Find Cash Buyers in Minutes for My Wholesale Deals
Any seasoned wholesaler knows how truly important it is to have a strong list of cash buyers for your real estate deals — that is, folks who you know are actively buying investment properties, and have share their buying criteria with…

1 Simple Way to Flip 3-4 Deals a Week (So Simple, It’s Almost Obvious)
Hey kids! What time is it?? Yup, it’s time for another titillating episode of, “What clever deal-getting thingy did JP learn from Joe McCall this time?” In previous episodes, we learned Joe’s “landlord sneak attack” trick for getting…

Getting Deals With the Landlord Sneak Attack
Today I want to share a sneaky little deal-getting trick from my buddy, Joe McCall. And seriously, you’re gonna love this. You remember Joe, right? He’s the guy who filleted open the world of wholesaling lease options for the rest of…

Master freakin’ MIND 🙂
So today, I‘m on my way (driving) to St. Louis, for a 2-day Mastermind with some close friends and colleagues. I’m in a couple of these groups that meet at various times throughout the year, and I gotta tell you, I’m excited as a…

Stop Investing in Real Estate
Meet Nick… Nick’s an investor colleague of mine and Alpha home flipper, and he says you should stop investing in real estate. Hmmmmmm… Sounds crazy, I know. But let’s see what kind of “rabbit hole” Nick’s trying to drag us into….

Top 10 Fair Housing Mistakes Investors Make (#8 Blows My Mind)
Check this out… Did you know that April is National Fair Housing Month? Neither did I really. And side note, who the heck even decides this stuff, anyway? Well a colleague (and friend) of mine Jimmy Moncrief just sent me this nifty…