Who’s Getting Rich Off Rich Dad?
So have you ever been to one of those hotel real estate investing seminars over an evening or weekend? No, not your local REIA or Meetup group. I mean the ones we see advertised all the time in newspapers, late night TV or now even Facebook actually: “Free Home Buyer…
Girl Born Without a Face
Fair Warning: This post has absolutely zilch to do with real estate — hence the category “off topic”. This has got to be one of the most heart-breaking stories I’ve encountered in a long, long time. Quite honestly it made me weep. But even more importantly (and the…
Sneaky Wholesaling Trick #5: “Getting Unlimited Access”
Before we jump into today’s tip, I want to let the cat out of the bag that in the near future I’ll be co-hosting a unique REI training workshop with fellow wholesaler & REI blogger Alex Joungblood. I recently crossed paths with Alex and we hit it off nicely. We have…
The Art of Dispossessing Deadbeats: “Cash for Keys” Unraveled
So I was reminded recently of an important tactic I learned way back in my first year as an investor. It’s a handy maneuver that has saved me heaps of time, money and hassle since I first learned it, and one you’d do well to have in your bag-o-tricks also…
True Crime: FDIC {Hearts} One West (Screws Everyone Else)
Hold onto your hats, folks. This one’s pretty mind blowing… Have you heard about the “sweetheart deal” One West Bank got when they purchased Indymac’s junk from the FDIC? They were basically spoon fed a no-lose situation…but one that’s absolutely costing mom and…
5 Email Tricks That Flip Houses
So here’s an interesting question I stumbled upon in my Facebook inbox not too long ago. But first… PERSONAL FACEBOOK DISCLAIMER: While an avid Facebooker indeed I am, I’m also admittedly not very good at managing my FB “inbox”, which is glaringly obvious from the…
Hard Money Lending Less Risky Than Owning Real Estate?
Yes, hard money lending is less risky than owning real estate! Think about it. Done properly, your loan will be secured by real estate worth much more than your loan. Personally, loans I make are no greater than 60% of the fixed up…

Candid Video: Freedom$oft or FreedomFLOP?
So if you’re reading this right now, then chances are you have some interest in Preston Ely’s real estate investor software called Freedomsoft….
FHA Property Flipping Waiver: An Executive Summary of “Must Knows”
On Friday January 15, 2010 we posted the FHA’s announcement to suspend their now infamous 90-day anti-flipping rule for 1 year, effective February 1, 2010. Yes, this is great news for investors trying to flip properties to FHA Buyers! But after reading carefully…
FHA Suspends 90 Day Seasoning “Flip Rule” for One Year!
Friday, January 15, 2010 So I just got back from a late night donut run, and found some titillating news for investors awaiting my return… Apparently today the FHA has suspended the 90-day anti-flipping rule for 1 year, effective February 1, 2010. So for at least…