Video: Real Estate Option Vs. Contract

Video: Real Estate Option Vs. Contract

Hey, it’s time for some more Reader Mail! This one comes from the little survey thingy in the sidebar of this here blog… “My biggest real estate investing question *right now* is why would an investor use a purchase contract when an option contract doesn’t have the…

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Rehabbing on Steroids (with a 7-Figure Rehabber)

Rehabbing on Steroids (with a 7-Figure Rehabber)

Hey, so I know this is very last minute, but I need to get the word out for anyone who may be interested… My KISS Flipping partner extraordinaire Bob Norton is doing something very special just right around the corner: A 3-day intensive bootcamp called “Rehabbing on…

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Who’s Getting Rich Off Rich Dad?

So have you ever been to one of those hotel real estate investing seminars over an evening or weekend? No, not your local REIA or Meetup group. I mean the ones we see advertised all the time in newspapers, late night TV or now even Facebook actually: “Free Home Buyer…

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Investor Carrot

Wealth Fit

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