2 Video Tips: Becoming an REO Insider & Estimating Average Rehab Costs Quickly
How to zero in on the big REO brokers in your area, how to approach them correctly (and how not to do it), and how to basically convince them to be your “bird dog” and give you an early, inside scoop on deals you’re looking for. 7min 52sec of pure content from a live event, concisely laying out several very specific, actionable tips you can take action on right away…
6 Figures-A-Month Investor Reveals New “Secret Profits Formula”
I have a Christmas gift for you. Don’t miss it or you’ll kick yourself…
Feeling Social? Let’s Connect!
It should be unquestionably clear to anyone who frequents this blog that, in addition to my real estate endeavors, I’m “into” quite a few other things. Not the least of which is…
Riddle Me Profits, Batman! (Audio Case Study)
I recently had the chance for another “deal stories” interview, this time with Patrick Riddle of Charleston, SC. (No, that’s not really him in the picture. We’re all fans of old-school Batman, right? I mean, who isn’t?…
30 Minutes of Pure Gold: Short Sale Guy Goes “Behind the Music”
I try not to post over weekends, but some angles on this are pretty time sensitive. So sooner rather than later, you should check out…
Awesome New Tool Speeds Up Online Videos
Have you noticed how much content online is turning to video these days? I mean sure, reading text is fine and all – and certainly still the dominant way content is delivered…
Carving Up The Real Estate Contract Assignment (Free Form, Plus Video)
OK, friends – it’s time for yet another riveting episode of me giving you a free real estate investing form, and walking you through it on….
Why Jack Bosch is a Turkey
First I should say, hardly anyone even knows about this. You may remember a few weeks ago when I did an impromptu interview with Jack Bosch of Land Profit Formula. At the time I was impressed to uncover a real estate investing niche that’s…
Investor/Agent Hybrids…Should You Disclose?
So I got a great question in my email today from Mark Stauffer, as he was listening to the Saturday Workshop Sessions. It’s one I’ve heard a lot before, so I’d say the answer’s worth a dedicated post…

Real Estate Purchase Contract…Undressed (Free Download, Plus Video)
You remember the free option agreement form and video I gave out recently? Here’s another one for you… Today it’s my “Quick N’ Dirty” buying contract — specifically the one I use for wholesale/quick flip deals…