Sneaky Vacant House Tricks That Spook Theives
So here’s a handy tip I ran across the other day — it’s from my personal Short Sale Sherpa (and also one of my best friends on the planet) Shaun McCloskey… It’s simple, sneaky stuff to help keep your vacant houses break-in free while you’re trying to rent or sell…
We’re Back!…And De-Hacked!…Here, Have Some Links!
Hey, guys – So the deal is, I’ve been unable to post here for quite some time. Seems December was the month for our site to be targeted by some Saudi hacker who wanted to use our server to wage Jihad on the world wide web. But here we are, about a month and a half…
What Investors Should Really Know About the New Stimulus Tax Credit
So, as you likely know already, it was signed into law on Nov. 6 that not only extends the $8,000 stimulus tax credit for “first-time” home buyers until next spring, but also provides a $6,500 tax credit for some current homeowners who buy another home. While a lot of…
Controversial: Do Real Estate “Wholetalers” Offer Any Real Value?
So I know this may be a little controversial, but I think it’s a question worth asking… Of what actual value are “Wholetale” investors? I’m talking about folks (like KISS Flippers, for example) who quick-flip houses in as-is or near as-is condition to retail…

How to Get MLS Access Without a License
So here’s one undeniable fact for anyone in the real estate biz: Access to the Realtor’s MLS = Power. MLS of course stands for “Multiple Listing Service”, as in the big, honkin’ database of real estate information Realtors have access to. And in case you’re wondering,…
Candid Interview With a Non-Guru Land Flipper
So I’ve been asked if I can provide some insight into Jack Bosch’s Land Profit Generator training material — which is basically an enhanced, more robust version of the Land Profit Formula he originally released about a year ago. The Course – 5 modules that Jack Bosch…
How Do You Ask for Private Money?
One of the shiniest silver linings of today’s real estate market is how there’s no shortage of incredible deals right now. Especially if you can make strong, cash offers and have the ability to close quickly. A small fortune is calling your name. But with the banks…
Painfully Honest and Epic Mobile Home Commercial
Oh. My. Gosh. Man, this is one of the best things I’ve seen all week. Gotta share it… Answering the question in your head… Yes, it’s a real local commercial. For a real, local business. And it’s pure, unadulterated genius, don’t you think? Memorable Line of…
Battle of the REI Blogs? (Please Help!)
There’s a nifty little contest going on RIGHT NOW called “Battle of the REI Blogs” …and I’m in the running! My buddy Patrick invited me to duke it out among the top 11 real estate investing bloggers on the interwebs (what an honor!). And the ultimate victor will be…
The Non-Exclusive, “Flexible” Real Estate Option, Demystified
You guys are so great about sharing how much you appreciate my free REI forms and enjoythe time-to-time “videos I put out on how to use them. So hey…here’s another one! This one’s about a relatively “new breed” of option contract that’s become increasingly…