Seven Surefire Strategies for Direct Mail Success
Direct mail campaigns can be powerful tools, but if not optimized properly can cost you thousands. Whether you’re launching your campaign or trying to improve your open or response rates, you want to know you’re sending out a mailing that’s going to get opened, not tossed. Here are surefire strategies to get this done.

Snagging an Awesome Mentor – Plus Other Ways to Build Your REI Knowledge Fast!
Finding a mentor can be tricky. Knowing who to work with, determining if & when you should dish out dough for their services, and figuring out how to gain the best knowledge from the relationship can be complicated. But it’s also undeniably one of the best ways to build your expertise and create a profitable business.

Finding a New Market: The Challenges & Rewards of Investing Remotely
One of the most important decisions you will ever make in your real estate investing career is deciding where to invest. Check out this post as we discuss a three-step approach to finding new markets to invest in.

Use These 2 Strategies to Crush Overwhelm
Are you feeling stressed from life… work… family… investing? Well, we all are feeling overwhelmed these days – friends, colleagues, students, clients. Really, everyone. In Steven Howell’s video post, he’s
got 2 ways to help you break through: simplify and be proactive. Breathe, friends, you got this. We’ll help.

5 Ways to Build Your Vacation Fund with a Vacation Rental
Discover useful tips on what it takes to make a short-term rental property a successful investment. It definitely is worth the extra time (and money) to get an STR set up and maintain it. Click more to find out.

Renting to Section 8 Tenants: The Good Stuff & The Bad Stuff
Still on the fence about renting to Section 8 tenants? Check out this post to get valuable insights on the good and bad experiences with renting to Section 8 tenants, as well as best practices on how to secure the best tenants.

How to Accelerate Success by Association
As a real estate investor, you should know that the success of your business relies on the quality of your relationships. This post reveals some important tips on how you can unlock your success by building and nurturing relationships.

Next-Level Thinking: How to Craft Your New Financial Story
Knowing and mastering your financial story is important if you want to secure a lender or investor in your business. In this post, we discuss ways on how you can craft a solid financial story that leads to your success in real estate investment.

Working on Your Craft
Oftentimes in this business, we get caught up in the ‘money, money, money’ spiral. So, Steven is once again challenging us all to think about REI in a different way – and you may not have thought about it like this before…

Turnkey Investing – The Easiest Way to Invest in Real Estate
Discover the best places to buy turnkey rental properties, distinguish what makes a good turnkey market, and tips on how to build you own wealth and portfolio.