11 Quick Ideas for Probate Deal Marketing
When it comes to the probate real estate investing arena, I get messages constantly from all around from folks who need a little help or advice.
(I actually offer free email support for 30 days to anyone who invests in any of my Probate products. 99 times out of 100 I’m able to…
The 545 People Responsible for America’s Woes
What you’re about to read is common sense at it’s best. It’s mostly penned by Charley Reese, who once wrote for the Orlando Sentinel Star. I say “mostly” because I believe it’s since been slightly modified to include the references to Iraq and Pelosi instead of Tip O’Neal….

PURE GOLD: One Thing That’s “Like Rocket Fuel for Your Business”
K, folks. Pay attention to this one thing, and seriously, it may very well change your life. But fair warning, it may also really challenge you... Marveling at "That Guy"... Have you ever wondered why some people seem...
Honest Confessions of a “KISS and Tell” House Flipping Addict
So check out this new chat between “KISS Flipper” Bob Norton and me…
TIP CLIP: “Secrets of the Millionaire (Wholesaler’s) Mind”
Hey, guys. Here’s a clip from one of Bob Norton’s training sessions where he reveals “The Secret” of the mindset it takes to become a millionaire wholesaler — from someone who’s unquestionably qualified in this arena. I think you’ll enjoy it.
“Sold in 36 Hours” by Nate Big (An Honest Review)
Hi, guys. You may have heard Nathan Big is releasing a new piece of education onto the real estate investing landscape. It’s called “Sold in 36 Hours” and claims to be “a systemized blueprint for how to sell a house over the course of a weekend…
Late Night “KISS Flipping” Session Reveals Current-Market Investor Training (VIDEO)
Ok, ok! I give! I got people hollering at me all over the place for an update on the “KISS Flipping” training Bob Norton and I are colluding together. So last night we made this very unfancy little video on our webcams (complete with roaming kids) and laid out some of the key details for you, including…
Ultimate REI Software Mastermind Gets Third Degree
You may already be aware the “Ultimate REI System 2.0” software being released today. It’s being described as….
“How’s He Selling His Houses So Dang Fast?” (A Fireside Chat With BIG N’ Crazy)
OK, so what do you think of this idea…“When you master the art of selling in a down market……you can clean up.”
How to Make Sexier Short Sale/REO Offers (Video Tip)
REI Truism #1: It’s no big secret that today’s real estate market is oozing opportunity in the short sale and REO arenas. REI Truism #2: The likelihood of your short sale or REO offer being accepted improves notably when your offer is clearly and concisely made, and it’s benefits simply-yet-professionally framed. Which brings us to……….