Constructing a Winning Web Presence, Real Estate Investor-Style
Check out some tips and tricks on how to develop your web presence, along with some insights on building your social media.

9 Big-Money Benefits of Investing with a Real Estate License
Would it benefit your investing business financially to get your real estate license? Today we’re looking at all the angles and answering your most asked questions on the subject.

Dissecting a Purchase & Sale Agreement – From an Investor’s Perspective
Read on to learn more about purchase and sale agreements, the most important information to look for, and tips on how to protect yourself when signing these documents.

The Deets on Direct Mail
We’re uncovering some insightful strategies to plan, create and mail postcards and/or letters that will bring the best results for your real estate investing biz.

Getting the Most Out of Wholesale Deals (And Then Some) with Wholesale Lease Options
Discover some of the brilliant ways you can earn 4x or 5x what you would make in a typical wholesale deal. Find out just what is a sandwich deal and how this can skyrocket your profits.

Mobile Home Investing: A Flippin’ Good Idea?
In this post, we discuss how viable mobile home investing is. We give you tips on determining your ROI, due diligence, and rehabbing strategies. Check it out.

Doing Wholesale Deals Grandma Would Be Proud Of
Check out these awesome tips on how to get started with real estate wholesaling. See how it works, how to minimize risks, discover one of the most important rules to follow.

How Low to Go: Are Properties Under $30K Worth It?
Investing in low-priced properties is not for everyone. Read on to learn some ultra useful tips on how to determine if a property is worth investing in and how to manage your property well so you can turn in a nice profit in the long term.

Owner Financing for the Win
Check out this post to discover a creative financing solution for your new real estate investment. See why owner financing could present as the best option for a win-win situation for both buyers and sellers.

Scare Tactics: 4 Beginner Investor Fears & How to Overcome Them
What factors hold you back from embarking on your real estate investment venture? Check out this post to see that many of your investing fears are not yours alone. Here we discuss the top beginner investor fears and how to overcome them.