Ron Paul: Fight the Future! (Controversial)
I admit it…I love You Tube. From weird viral videos to personal home movies to controversial politics…you can find it all and more. While perusing some clips related to our….
“Virtual REO Investing” Guys Under the Spotlight (A Revealing Interview)
After hearing some good feedback from my impromptu interview with Jack Bosch the other day, I decided to rinse & repeat……but this time, with Mark Jackson and Sam Bell, the guys behind tomorrow’s (10/1) “Virtual REO Investing” launch. If you’re considering it, then I’d suggest you give our short chat a listen before you plop down your credit card….
Oklahoma Newbie Flips 2 Short Sales, Scores Nicely (Listen)
Here’s the latest in my “man on the street” series of interviews.
It came about after Cory Boatright told me about one of his Shortsaleology members, Ron Harris. Ron’s a relative new investor from Oklahoma who’d recently flipped a couple of short sales netting him more than enough to completely pay off all his business debt and still pocket a nice piece of change. So I says, “Let’s hear his story!”
Impromptu Jack Bosch Conversation (Listen)
This morning I had a brief, unscripted, and basically unplanned conversation with Jack Bosch about his “Land Profit Formula” course…If you’d like to eavesdrop on our little chat, please feel free to do so…
Short Sale Guy Gets Personal with Countrywide
Here’s a handy resource worth passing along. And it’s one you short sale investors out there will find particularly useful…Short sale guy Shaun “The Swan” McCloskey just posted DIRECT contact info for some of the “higher ups” at Countrywide on his blog….
Opinion: More on “Frannie” Seizure (A Good Read)
Heading into the weekend I just want to pass along an article I read today that, frankly, really challenged me. It’s from short sale guy Josh Cantwell sharing his thoughts on the Fannie/Freddie Mac seizure doubtless everyone in the free world should be keenly aware of by now…..

Finding and Filling YOUR Investing Niche
I have to say, I live in one of the toughest states in the country for investing. Our Maryland legislature is constantly passing new laws that have serious effects on the business of real estate investors. And you know what? It doesn’t matter if you are a landlord or a flipper, new laws are being passed more and more frequently that will directly impact your business….
How to Pay Bird Dogs Without Committing a Crime
Back when I was helping Andy Proper put the finishing touches on his Virtual Bird Dog Blueprint, I asked him if I could snag a related tip or two to put out here on the blog for everyone. He of course obliged. So I started by asking him to do was to cover a couple of ways…
Uncle Sam Eats Cousins Fannie, Freddie (Cliff’s Notes)
So Uncle Sam just ate cousins Fannie and Freddie. With that, the we enter a new and uncharted phase of the mortgage crisis, potentially saddling American taxpayers with billions of dollars in losses from home loans made by the private sector….
One Legged Punch in the Stomach (Unreal Video)
OK, I wasn’t planning on another blog post today. Frankly I don’t have time for it. But I just ran across something that literally moved me to tears — a short video about an 8 year old kid named Adam. Adam plays one of the toughest positions on the little league field…and he does it with only one leg….