
Freddie Mac Tweaks Rules, Pokes Investors In Eye

In case you missed it, a couple weeks back Freddie Mac announced guideline changes that will dramatically affect many residential real estate investors. As of August 1st, 2008 the following changes will officially go into effect: A borrower may not have more than four...

A Cream Pie in the Face

Admittedly this has absolutely nothing to do with real estate investing. I tried in vain to come up with some kind of cool REI-esque lesson to tie in. Nada. But in the end, what more do you really need to say?… I guess the lesson is, if you ever remark aloud to...

How To Determine a Short Sale Purchase Offer

By Cory Boatright, Shortsaleology Founder The word “short sale” has certainly been a buzz word in the distressed real estate market we are experiencing in 2008. However many Realtors and investors are still unclear on how to determine a real estate short...

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