Finding and Filling YOUR Investing Niche

Finding and Filling YOUR Investing Niche

Ihave to say, I live in one of the toughest states in the country for investing. Our Maryland legislature is constantly passing new laws that have serious effects on the business of real estate investors. And you know what? It doesn’t matter if you are a landlord or a...

How to Pay Bird Dogs Without Committing a Crime

Back when I was helping Andy Proper put the finishing touches on his Virtual Bird Dog Blueprint, I asked him if I could snag a related tip or two to put out here on the blog for everyone. He of course obliged. So I started by asking him to do was to cover a couple of...

One Legged Punch in the Stomach (Unreal Video)

OK, I wasn’t planning on another blog post today.  Frankly I don’t have time for it. But I just ran across something that literally moved me to tears — a short video about an 8 year old kid named Adam. Adam plays one of the toughest positions on...

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