Got two great little video tips for you today I think you’ll love… Video 1: “How to Become an REO Insider (Bribe)” [7m:53s] How to zero in on the big REO brokers in your area How to approach them correctly (and how not to do it) And how to basically...
I have a Christmas gift for you. Don’t miss it or you’ll kick yourself… Please listen to this short message… Remember Bob Norton? He’s the former janitor-turned-investor from Detroit I interviewed during my Saturday Workshop Sessions. He...
It should be unquestionably clear to anyone who frequents this blog that, in addition to my real estate endeavors, I’m “into” quite a few other things. Not the least of which is online social media. I don’t know what it is, but something about...
I recently had the chance for another “deal stories” interview, this time with Patrick Riddle of Charleston, SC. (No, that’s not really him in the picture. We’re all fans of old-school Batman, right? I mean, who isn’t?…) Our...
I try not to post over weekends, but some angles on this are pretty time sensitive. So sooner rather than later, you should check out… An Interview You Really Need to Hear… If you receive our email updates, then you already know that Friday morning I had...