
Starting today, you need to stop comparing yourself to other people. I’m serious. Right now, that game is over.

Hey there, Steven Howell here with a motivational video post for you. And, this applies to newbies getting started as well as seasoned investors…

It happens to everyone, even me. We look around at other people who are doing what we do and we think, “How are they so much more successful? They’re doing it bigger, better, easier, faster…”

But let me tell you—you do not want to go down that rabbit hole of self-doubt—it will get you stuck.

Now, start by writing down some basics – the 2 or 3 things that you can take action on right now. That will help propel you to that next level you’re aiming for… and you can continue to grow and build from there.

And when you accomplish those things, have a little celebration. You’ve worked hard and earned it. Enjoy the little wins.

Talk To Me

Got a motivational tip? Share it with us in the comments section below.

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Steven Howell

He's the owner and CEO of Inner Warrior Consulting LLC, a training and consulting company that helps entrepreneurs build their "inner warrior" and gain the necessary skills to be successful in life and business. He's an accomplished wholesale real estate investor, mentor and coach who teaches business building, mindset, marketing, branding and negotiation to students across the US.

Visit Steve's Youtube channel for more videos like this one.

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