Hey, so I know this is very last minute, but I need to get the word out for anyone who may be interested…
My KISS Flipping partner extraordinaire Bob Norton is doing something very special just right around the corner: A 3-day intensive bootcamp called “Rehabbing on Steroids”. And I gotta say, you couldn’t pick a better name for this. 🙂
This is primarily mandatory training for his handful of private coaching students. But as a friend, I’ve talked him into opening up a few spots for our Kiss Flipping Masters and maybe a few others who want to learn how to rehab houses like a total machine.
But let me be very clear: THIS WILL NOT BE RIGHT FOR EVERYONE. Read Bob’s description he emailed me below to see what I mean. It’s very tightly focused on the rehabbing side of things…which is where 80% of his killer deals are coming from right now. 1 day of “classroom” stuff and 2 full days out “on the streets”, analyzing actual rehab projects with Bob and his various contractors and partners.
My humble, no-fluff opinion: This will be the one of the most practical, reality-based events EXCLUSIVELY on the rehabbing side of things…EVER. Count on it.
I know this is last minute, but we literally just put it together. So if you’re interested, listen to the cell phone conversation we just recorded detailing what you can expect, and read through his email description below. If you want in, you gotta move on it quick.
Step 1: Listen to Bob and JP discuss exactly what this is about…
Step 2: Read Bob’s email summary about it (which I prettied up just a tiny bit)…
From Bob Norton: The Quick and Dirty on “Rehabbing on Steroids”…
This is a 3-FULL DAY EVENT: Thursday March 25 – Saturday March 27, 2010.
Basically this will be the most exhaustive/extensive rehab management bootcamp I have ever seen, done or even heard of, period. It will be in my old stomping grounds of Detroit, MI along with the assistance of a number of my friends, colleagues, contractors, partners and coaching students…my “inner circle” basically.
I’m primarily doing this as mandatory training for my private, 1-on-1 coaching students. JP has convinced me to open this up to our Kiss Flipping Masters as well as a few others for whom this might be a good fit.
About Me (and why I’m the guy you want to learn rehabbing from)…
- Since starting full time in the summer of 2003, I have been involved in almost 600 real estate transactions/flips, with half of those needing some type of rehab….
- I make a very good full time income flipping houses – typically more in a month than most make in a year honestly…often well over 6 figures a month….
- Number of rehabs I’ve done: Somewhere north of 300 or so (I don’t really count anymore)…
- Number of rehabs I’ve been rehabbing houses: 7 years…
- Other bootcamps I’ve been to myself over the years in my own rehabbing education: Seven…
- I have made every mistake possible, sometimes multiple times 🙂 …
- I have experimented, been physically attacked (and won by the way), been sued, initiated lawsuits, lost houses to demolition (saw them demo the house on the spot), had warrant out for my arrest (because I didn’t secure the front door and mow the lawn)…
- I have hired and fired hundreds of contractors, and visited Home Depot thousands of times (it feels like it anyways)
- I have also kept the same electrician/plumber for almost 7 years…
- I’ve managed up to 20 rehabs at the same time, convinced contractors to do up to 10 rehabs without getting a dime until the job in complete, hired a contractor without seeing them over the phone…
- It goes on and on…
All This Has Led Me to Where I Am Now…
- I have 12 to 15 full time partners at any given time
- Average inventory of 40 properties at any given time, worth around $5 million dollars
- Average rehab: $61,000 per property
- Average rehab consists of over $12,000 in tile and granite alone
- Active in 5 markets currently, looking to expand to more
- Average profits ranges from $50,000 – $170,000 a month (that’s my split)
- Typical work day consists of 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, with 6-12 weeks of vacation
What I’ll be Covering and You’ll be Learning
- 1 day of “classroom” stuff and 2 days of continued practice/training on estimating repairs
- Detailed training of each trade (i.e. roofs, windows, drywall, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, flooring (tile, carpet, wood floors), mold remediation, demolition etc.
- After each trade, there will question and answer sessions on that specific subject
- 80% of the trade training will include team training with my current trade contractor (i.e. electrical training will be done with my electrician). So you’ll be interacting with me personally, alongside the people I hire to do these things for me.
- I teach you how I just got a contractor in AZ to agree to do 7-10 jobs for me a month, without receiving a dime of payment until all the work is completely done. And how you can do it too.
- Scope of work management (how to do it quickly and effectively size up a project)
- Contractor communication (this one bites everyone it seems – but I’ve got it down to a science)
- How to find ideal contractors (My ways can be a little unorthodox, but they work. Period.)
- Development of management skills (This is crucial, but easier than you think)
- Handling of permits, municipalities
- Lien waivers (Ever thought of this one?)
- Handling payments, draw schedules (Get this one down, or get scammed. Your choice.)
- How to utilize market experts to do your scope of work and manage your contractors for FREE (Hardly anyone really understands how I do this or why, but when you do, it’ll blow your mind – how else do you think I get so much done with so much time off?)
- MOLD Remediation (this is a huge profit center for me – I LOVE MOLDY HOUSES.)
- 1099’s, w9
- Accounting, online management, including Google docs and PB Wiki
- Flickr photo training, before and after pics, video uploads
- Lots and lots and lots more…trust me…I’m just tired of writing bullets.
What This is NOT…
This is not anything and everything about how to flip a house, A to Z.
This is also not about me selling you stuff or anyone else pitching you their stuff. For anyone who’s been to my bootcamps before you already know that.
And this is also not about cutting corners on your rehabs, getting crappy work done or just hiring cheap guys off Craigslist. This is about developing some of the core skills I have that will enable you/us to MAKE a lot more per deal because we know how to legitimately SAVE a lot more on our projects – and how to get them done as efficiently and effectively as possible.
“My Posse” Who ‘s Teaching Alongside Me…
Mark Diponio: Builder for over 10 years, partnered with me on over 10 deals since Spring 2009, and assists on the management of all Michigan Projects.
Craig Fuhr: My good friend, and possibly one of the best rehabber in the country honestly. Craig and I are currently partnering on 7 deals, and he’s managed hundreds of rehabs. He’s kind of famous for buying houses for $10k and selling them for $150k in drive by areas of Baltimore, MD. You’ll also love him because he’s just freaking hilarious.
Christian Cyrkiel: My master electrician. He has worked with me since 2004, and has done electrical on almost 200 of my rehab project alone.
Kris Dorman: My licensed HVAC/plumber. Started working with me in 2005 and has invoiced me for 200+ projects.
My Agenda: The 2 Reasons I’m Really Doing This…
1) To make “my posse” (coaching students/partners) armed and dangerous and able to handle anything:
This is mandatory training for my private coaching students/partners. I want all of you there. My goal for you is to give you the trade-by-trade training you need so we can save tens of thousands per deal in our rehab costs. We all make more money that way, get it?2) New partner development:
It seems I often find some of my best new partners at small bootcamps like this. I’ve never done one exclusively on rehabbing like this though, and I’m eager to make sure that anyone and everyone I work with has their mind wrapped around how to estimate and manage a rehab the way I do. So for anyone who’s ever wanted to partner with me, this is your big chance to rub shoulders with me, and I’ll want you to understand this stuff anyway.A Pretty Awesome Bonus…
Our Kiss Flipping training it currently sold out and not offered publicly. But I’m going to offer it to anyone who comes to this bootcamp who doesn’t already have access to it.
This is my entire K.I.S.S. profit model, inside out, including how I review a new market and become a true market expert in just a few days.
JP and I sold this for a thousand bucks and it’s worth a lot more, and you’ll get access to it free as part of this event. If you don’t know what kiss flipping is, check out KissFlipping.com.
Schedule (Subject to change slightly)…
Thursday March 25th (on the streets)
- 8:30 – 9:00 Introduction/ Load Bus
- 9:00 – 12:30 Exterior Training (Roofs, Windows, Siding, Misc)
- 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Break
- 1:30 – 5:30 Exterior Training/Mechanical Training
Friday March 26th (on the streets)
- 8:30 – 9:00 AM Prep/Load Bus
- 9:00 – 12:30 Mechanicals Training
- 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
- 1:30 -5:30 Interior Training
Saturday, March 27th (Classroom)
- 9:00 – 12:00 Contractor Management Training
- 12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
- 1:00 – 5:00 Contractor Management Training Continued
- 5:00 – End of Bootcamp
Hotel/After Hours Details:
I will be staying at the Detroit Metro Airport Marriott. They have given me a room lock of $109 a night but I think you can get it cheaper on the website. The first two days we’re out in the streets at various projects, and the last day of training will be at this hotel.
The hotel is 2 miles away from the airport and you can catch a shuttle but I’d recommend a cab for a couple bucks.
There a too many varying circumstances to predict exactly what I will be doing after the end of each day. However, if I am around and am going to dinner etc, I will try to invite you/give everybody a heads up.
FINALLY, all will be given access to my Kiss Flipping Online Course. It’s sold out and not available publicly at this time, but will be given to you at no additional charge. Learn more about it at www.KissFlipping.com if you like.
Hope you can come – if you do, be ready to learn a ton, with absolutely no fluff. Get ready to drink from my fire hydrant.
– Bob Norton
PS. I should mention since JP pointed this out that the majority of folks who’ll be attending this are not people who have never done a deal. They’re my posse and are actively doing deals with me right now. So these events end up being kind of a reunion of sorts for us. So in additional to everything else, you can expect to get connected with some other real great, deal-savvy investors from around the country. Just thought I’d mention that.
Step 3: Got questions? Ask ’em below…
Time is of the essence here. So if you have any questions at all about this event, please ask them in the comments below. Bob has promised me he’ll come back here and answer them for you. So ask away…
Step 4: Make a decision. If you’re in, and jump on it…
Kiss Flipping Masters get the best deal on this – sorry everyone else. Membership has it’s benefits. But you don’t have to be a KF Masters in order to come.
Make the decision that makes sense to you – but make it now. If you decide to join us, you’ll get a call from us within 24 hours after reserving your seat…but you shouldn’t delay. Go ahead and make your travel/hotel plans.
Option 1… Option 2…
Ok, so that’s it guys. If this is for you, you probably already know it. But if you have any questions at all, just ask them below.
My best,
once we reserve our seat will you make recommendations on hotel and etc?
Hi, Laruie. The hotel Bob’s recommending is the one he’s staying in, which is mentioned in his email pasted above. I’m sure there are others in the area, but that’s where he’s hosting the event and staying himself I believe.
Any other questions? Just ask…
is the kiss flipping program still available today? I may be interested in signing up.
Hi, Tim. Kiss Flipping is not openly available right now, except as an add-on to this bootcamp. In other words, I’ll make sure everyone who goes to “Rehabbing on Steroids” will have Kiss Flipping access.
My best,
When is the next boot camp scheduled?
June/July…details coming very soon. 🙂
Hey JP…I just found this link and it is a great link…how do I go abouts becoming a masters student? I live In california and I am interested in attending the Bootcamp.