Hi there…
Coming at you is an amazingly unique real estate foreclosure investing opportunity — and honestly: it’s a genius idea for new and seasoned investors! Twofer!
Check this out…
As you chill in your PJs in your home, you can follow along with easy-to-understand, detailed steps of how to flip foreclosure houses on the regular with this risk-free strategy, enabling you to bank tens of thousands of dollars, doing deals fast in markets across the U.S.
Sounds awesome, right?!
Well, now newbie and even seasoned REIs can do just that with One-Day Flip by Cameron Dunlap.
So yeah, safe to say I’m pumped to share Cameron Dunlap’s One-Day Flip training program! Why? Because it’s a brilliant systematic step-by-step walkthrough of how you can consistently wholesale foreclosures — with no money, no loans, and no rehab work — while learning from an incredible investor and coach.
Cameron shows you exactly how to use his One-Day Flip strategy AND dishes out loads of tools, resources, and more goodies to help you flip deals as soon as possible. We’ve got expert guidance and demos, so you can be an expert investor in no time. You’ll be able to level up your bottom line while riding momentum into higher levels of foreclosure flipping — profiting quickly and repeatedly.
Cameron Dunlap teaches you the entire One-Day Flip foreclosure process, including detailed walkthrough demos and a bunch more actionable info! Basically, everything you need to crush One-Day Flip deals, including pre-bank, pre-list and post-list deals, plus MLS access, befriending Realtors and so much more!
One-Day Flip: The Goods
In Cameron Dunlap’s info-packed foreclosure training program with a series of video modules, he breaks down the One-Day Flip program into easy-to-follow video presentations that show you how to profit from foreclosure deals, fast, in the market(s) of your choice. Cameron’s been doing this for years, and now he’s generously sharing all of his proven info and knowledge in this straightforward training. Thanks, Cam, you’re swell!
Here’s the best part: After you finish all the easy-to-understand yet comprehensive training, you can start taking action on what you learn right away. Like, now! It’s a simple but super-effective deal-flipping strategy.
Take a gander at what this is…
One-Day Flip: What in the world is it?
The training is broken down into 4 core video presentations:
- 01: One-Day Flip Kickstart
- 02: Fund the Deal
- 03: Find the Deal
- 04: Flip the Deal

One-Day Flip Kickstart is designed to be your “mall map.” You’ll get a solid foundation of what’s coming your way in the complete training, which means you can begin as quickly as possible!
In Module 2, Fund the Deal, Cameron Dunlap talks about the ins and outs of funding deals, why you should do double closes instead of assignments, how you can use his funding for FREE for your deals, plus 5 other ways to fund your deals and more.
Find the Deal is Module 3, where Cam explains who the right prospects are and the right process to find them with helpful tools, plus how to make winning offers.
Finally, in Module 4’s Flip the Deal, Cameron shares possible exit strategies, why wholesaling is the acceleration engine, pricing, contracts, closing and getting paid!
And, we’re serving up tons of related resources, tools, extra “amplifier” training videos and more.
Look — this training is loaded with incredible actionable information.
Want to know more about One-Day Flips? Of course you do! Check it out…
Inside Video Review of One-Day Flip Training
One-Day Flip Testimonials
OK, Cameron Dunlap isn’t just a genius investor… he’s also an experienced teacher, mentor, innovator and business owner who loves helping regular people like you and me begin or level up their REI business. He’s enjoyed enormous success with his methods… and he’s generously sharing them with you! Yay for Cam!
He’s done about a bazillion transactions and he’s ready to help us with his One-Day Flip training.
It’s all because of his easy-to-follow formulaic approach to flipping foreclosures with this little-known ownership loophole opportunity.
So, here are some real responses — feedback in their own words — from real investors who Cameron Dunlap helped with One-Day Flip deals…
“We want to start out by thanking Cameron Dunlap and his team for making possible the biggest pay day of our real estate career- $45,000 profit in a single transaction! …Cameron Dunlap and his team are true professionals and his program works! We’re living proof! Thanks Cameron Dunlap- we can hardly wait for our next deal!”
~Ron & Julie P.
“WOW! That’s all I can say. Recently, I used Cameron Dunlap’s No-Fee Funding program. He funded a deal that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to get funded and I made $7,406 in a few short weeks! I also have 2 more deals set to close in the next 2 weeks. Was I skeptical? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. But Cameron delivers!”
~Brian B.
“We would like to extend many thanks to you & your team! You’ve taken our business to another phase. Our last two deals were vacant properties that we found via Vacant House Data Feed… we are able to use (your) funding to execute our deals that would otherwise not be possible. It’s clear that you guys have a GREAT TEAM! I feel that we don’t thank you enough for all of your services. You help make us great & have HUGE value to our group.”
~Lenny H.
“We would like to extend many thanks to you & your team! You’ve taken our business to another phase. Our last two deals “Cameron Dunlap’s program is unbelievable. It is the most comprehensive all inclusive program out there. He has included every facet of the industry and has made it automatic.”
Ready for One-Day Flip?
I’m pretty sure you’re gonna say yes…
Start here: Take a look at this official press release to learn even more about Cameron Dunlap’s awesome training program to see if his One-Day Flip method is a good fit for you. (I’m thinking it is!)
And, with Cam’s training, you’ll have everything you need to systematically tap into this house-flipping foreclosure opportunity, without doing any rehabs… without money… from the comfort of your home… in markets throughout the United States — and revel in some really nice profits along the way, while helping people. Woohoo!
When you follow Cameron’s training just as he explains it — you’ll become an expert investor in no time.
Awesome, right?
Well, I suggest you take a look at One-Day Flip by Cameron Dunlap. You’ll love his no-risk strategy… just like the nice folks who shared their testimonials.
You’re headed right into foreclosure profits from One-Day Flip deals. ?