What we have here is a frank and honest discussion on some of the issues surrounding the “KISS Flipping Intensive” training. It’s an ideal listen for anyone who’s interested, but maybe also feels a little skeptical or has some unanswered questions…
- Yes, as advertised you’ll hear his open admission to a life of hopeless addiction (Probably not what you’re thinking though…or is it? 😉
- And the straight-up truth about his basically selfish reason for opening up “KISS Flipping” training to outsiders (I didn’t realize this)…
- And really honest answers to some frank and earnest questions hurled our way over the last few days…
Hear affronting questions like…
“Come on, get real. Does this really apply to any area?” (Nancy Sweatt, North CA)
“In today’s flipping houses arena, title seasoning is a HUGE PAIN IN THE…you gonna give me a bullet proof way to deal with this one, amigo?” (Bill McKee)
“Are you gonna pop any “surprise extras” on us? Like buying a big website package w/back office, special software, blah, blah, blah…?”
OK, so yeah, I paraphrased these a bit. It’s just more fun that way. But seriously, if you’re feeling a little skeptical, this is a chat you’ll be glad you heard.
Oh, and fair warning on this one…
Here’s two things you should be aware of regarding KISS Flipping:
1) As of Tuesday evening 2/24/09 we’re officially broadcasting our first LIVE “KISS Flipping” session to our charter members (who’ve already enjoyed an oversized, prerecorded helping of Session 1)
2) We’re about to close the doors to new KISS Flipping charter members.
Because frankly there’s a heck of a lot that goes into putting all together and making it as awesome and life-changing as we intend. We’re a thousand percent committed and need to focus on doing this with excellence, rather than managing an ongoing influx of new members.
The fact is, this training is honestly like none other. We’re already seeing impressive movement from within the ranks of our first circle of charter members. Should you be among them?
I just don’t want people kicking themselves for missing out on this, if it’s just what you’ve been looking for. Take a sec to stop on by and see if you might want to join us, before you miss the chance.
And don’t forget about the “FAB” fast action bonuses…
I am the person who wrote him about being homeless. I am no longer homeless, and I am working full time as a wholesaler. I have made hundreds of connections and I’ve even found a partner to help out. I can honestly say that this is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Thanks again for inspiring me Bob.