
It should be unquestionably clear to anyone who frequents this blog that, in addition to my real estate endeavors, I’m “into” quite a few other things.  Not the least of which is online social media.

I don’t know what it is, but something about this whole “Web 2.0 / Social Media” phenomenon really intrigues me, and I jumped in head-first a long time ago.

You may notice I’m always tinkering around with new stuff that comes out and experimenting with it here on the blog. (Did you notice the new “Google Friend Connect” widget I added to the sidebar today? 😉 )

So if you don’t give a toot about all this stuff, this post has nothing for you.  Feel free to move right along…

But if you’re a sideline social media geek like me (or just interested) then I cordially invite you to connect with me / REI Tips in any number of ways…

So…feeling social?  Let’s connect!

Other Related: Google Friend Connect Directory, Friend Connectified

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